Friday, May 25, 2007

Hi, I'm so happy today... I went for a job interview on wed and today the person called and i got the job i will be starting work soon ... and do you know i am just so happy... haha... really glad that i got the job but some of my friends did not... but huixin got the job together with me.. yeah we can work together liao...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Today school went fine... except that I slept too late last nite and i was sleeping in DTG class at around 1 pm till 3 pm... teacher was going through the paper and was asking questions and yes she asked me ... I woke up in a dazed and she said she would come back with the question to me again... but she never did and went on to the next paper and never came back to me... as you know i dislike ppl waking me up from my sleep... and my face turn"black"... and then my friend said" who ask you to sleep in class when she is teaching"... then i told her :"but i got the questioned correct so i sleep loh"... then she took my paper and laugh cos the question that was easy i got it wrong,but the question that was diffcult i got correct... then she took my paper and went to my teacher... then my teacher called me and told me that when using the more complex method i have to be careful lest i make mistakes and got no marks... but i feel that she was trying to tell me use my method instead of yours...but i can't be bothered with her at least i got the marks using my own method of doing the question...haha

Friday, May 4, 2007

hi ... finally found time to write in my blog... the pass few days has been a busy day and mostly is because that i have been to many places .... last friday i went onboard star ship virgo with my class for a tour on the ship... yesterday i went to tank's school concert at hwa chong instuition and today i finally could find time to update

the trip to the cruise liner was my first ... the place is just so beautiful and nice ... how i wish i could be on the ship for just one day ... the pictures are on my phone later next week then i will upload...

Last night's concert was so nice listening to tank singing songs , example: zhuan shu tian shi , fei ni ni muo shu, gei wo ni de ai, cheng li de yue guang, dong le... He also sang some songs that he wrote and he even had a mini autograph session for the ppl at the concert ... i manage to went to the front and took some close up pictures of him... i was very excited... anyway the photos are still in my phone ... next week i will upload it together with the cruise pictures...

Enjoy your weekends.... Byeeee...